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Migratory Corridor, Paradise for Birds in Holguin

  • Published in Holguin
  • Hits: 1879
aves cuba
In the vicinity of Caletones beach, about 30 kilometers from the city of Holguin, is located one of the most important corridors in Cuba for migratory birds of the American continent.
From August to November each year about 200 species of birds, including bijiritas, turpiales, royal azulejos and cardinals join endemic varieties such as the long-tailed hawk, the sinsontillo, the cartacuba and the tocororo, at that area of Holguin geography.

Along more than 35 kilometers, these fauna specimens find the ideal place to escape the cold winter conditions in the continent and its protection constitutes the main priority of the scientists in the municipality.

The Community Environmental Center of Gibara develops initiatives for the conservation of soils, watersheds and the projection of audiovisual materials related to the importance of birds.

Norkis Ochoa, specialist of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, told the ACN that the main actions include conferences and contests for children, aimed at raising awareness of the new generations in the protection of the environment.

The migratory corridor is also a point to encourage contact with nature and study the customs of birds, essential in the balance of biological diversity. / ACN