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Exhibition by Renowned Cuban Artist in Romerias de Mayo

  • Published in Culture
  • Hits: 1863
babel1Flora Fong. Exhibition "The Caribbean Ming: Image, calligraphy, verse".
The exhibition "The Caribbean Ming: Image, calligraphy, verse", by the outstanding artist of the Cuban plastic arts Flora Fong, will be opened during Las Romerias de Mayo event, the world festival of artistic youth that will take place in Holguin from May 2nd to 8th.
The exhibit, which will open on May 4 in the Small Room of the Provincial Center of Plastic Arts, will join ten other exhibitions, workshops and performances, as part of the activities of Babel, a visual arts event included in the program of Las Romerías.
According to Lilién Aguilera, president of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) in the province, the event will address art pedagogy and will have the participation of students and professors from the National Academy San Alejandro, an institution that arrives at its 200th anniversary this year.
Babel also includes the exhibition "Ancestral Brotherhood", by the Bolivian artist Martin Leaño Brinckaus.