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People Summit Kicks off Today in Peru

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cumbre de las americas bandThe People's Summit that will open its doors this Tuesday in Lima, as an alternative to the hemispheric meeting of leaders that will take place next Friday and Saturday was defined as a space for meeting, articulation and confluence of the social movements of Our America.
Geronimo Lopez Sevillano, secretary general of the General Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CGTP) and one of the organizers, said the meeting should close with a declaration or collective manifesto agreed at the grassroots, including members of the National Unitary Command of Struggle, which includes the union and popular sectors, farmers, transporters, housewives, among others.
Among the activities planned is an anti-imperialist march called Outside Trump of Peru, to be held on the 12th at four o'clock in the afternoon at the Campo de Marte, located on Avenida De la Peruanidad, Jesús María.
The march seeks to raise awareness against the neoliberal economic model they are trying to impose on the people of Latin America and the Caribbean that brings misery, exclusion, hunger and destroys the environment and agriculture, confirmed the organizers.
The inaugural ceremony of the People's Summit will be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the Derrama Magisterial auditorium, located on Avenida Gregorio Escobedo.
On April 11 and 12, the forum and the central plenary will take place in the premises of the Peruvian Federation of Civil Construction Workers, while the activities of the 13th will take place in the premises of the Communist Party of Peru, Patria Roja and Sutep en Cercado.

On Saturday the 14th there will be a Youth Summit of the Peoples from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon at the University City of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, where there will also be a Youth Summit of the Peoples from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon.
The Great Act of Continental Solidarity will take place, which will feature a political and cultural festival with bands from Peru and other countries playing live, such as the orchestra of Elito Revé and his charangón.
The People's Summit is a process that began at the beginning of the 2000s, before the Presidential Summits, always as a space to reaffirm the agendas of struggle and resistance of the various components of the social movements and have served to confront the neoliberal discourse of the dominant sectors, while at the same time to dialogue with progressive and leftist governments in the region.
Mar del Plata, Argentina in 2005, is remembered by the Summit participants as a climaxing moment because it was there that the US imperial proposal for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) was defeated, thanks to the confluence of the governments.
The progressive groups of that time: Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Kirchner in Argentina, Lula in Brazil and Tabaré Vásquez in Uruguay, were accompanied by a vast movement of social resistance against this mega free trade and investment promotion agreement.
Today, Our America is at a different juncture, the folding leaflet distributed by the organizers of the People's Summit points out, "We are in the midst of a strong neoconservative counter-offensive by the continental right, promoted and financed by the American empire.
They claim to fight against the traditional economic and political elites who impose policies of austerity and frontal attack on the rights they have won in order to make employment more precarious, to dismantle health and public education and to worsen the conditions of life of the population. / Radio Rebelde