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Holguin University Holds Symposium of Journalism

  • Published in Holguin
  • Hits: 1041
apuntoThe 3rd National Symposium of Journalism "apunto 2018" aimed at reflecting on innovative narratives in contemporary journalism, will be held from April 4 to 6 at the University of Holguin.
The event, which takes place each year in this center of higher studies, includes courses and workshops related to journalistic innovation, narrative journalism, video journalism, mobile journalism and social networks, and data journalism and information visualization.
According to Edilberto Carmona, coordinator of the symposium, this year’s edition is intended to address new ways of doing journalism that allow for a reality increasingly complex, technological, global and interconnected, in the context where media compete to gain the attention of audiences exposed to social networks, entertainment and a growing media ecosystem, and in the case of Cuba, coupled with the gradual computerization of society.
That is why, faced with the different paths that journalistic narration takes in this context, new ways, forms, techniques, formats and platforms are imposed to do so.
The event needs to delve into this world to analyze experiences of journalistic innovation nationally and internationally, present strategies for the development of creative content in the media and offer tools that favor the development of ideas and related communication products.
It also includes the 3rd Workshop on socialization of research, which will present papers related to the problems identified in the journalistic practices of different media and training of professionals oriented towards new ways of developing the practice of journalism.
The 5th University Journalism Competition, organized in five categories: Printed Journalism, Radio, Audiovisual, Hypermedia and New Narratives, as well as the National Encounter of Journalism Students, to promote debate and socialization among students about the challenges of Cuban journalism, are also included in the program of activities.
The event will open with panel on the new narratives in Cuban journalism, by specialists in the field.
Yanela Ruiz González
Author: Yanela Ruiz González
Lic. en Estudios Socioculturales, periodista de la Casa editora ¡Ahora! Especializada en temas de Educación y Educación Superior Fan de las redes sociales